
Informasaun Vaga Servisu Project Coordinator-CRS Timor-Leste

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For Local staff only 
Job Title         :  Project Coordinator
Project Title :  Increasing Yields and Improving Storage to Fight Hunger
Location        :  Timor Leste, Baucau Field Office
Reports To   :  Livelihoods Program Manager


CRS TL is currently implementing a food security project with a local partner in the sub-district of Ossu, Viqueque. This project began in July 2011 and is slated to continue for three years until 2014. The objectives of the project are to increase maize yields and decrease post-harvest storage losses. This will be done through an approach that focuses on hands on training of participants in the use of improved inputs such as high yielding maize varieties and hermetic storage containers. The project is entering into its second year, during which it will increase in scope and scale up successful interventions identified in year one.
Primary Function: The primary function of the Project Coordinator will be to dedicate a 100% level of effort to ensure the timely and effective implementation of project activities and outputs that result in achieving the objectives. This will entail a close working relationship with CRS’s local partner and the field staff in Viqueque, as well as the CRS Livelihoods Program Manager in Baucau.

Specific Responsibilities:
  • Oversight of the technical aspects of maize production and seed and grain storage, including creating training materials and conducting training of trainers on the key activities of the project
  • Coordination with partner staff to ensure timely execution of project activities, including trainings, data collection, reporting, and provision of inputs to project beneficiarie
  • Management of project financial resources, including liquidation of partner advances, monitoring of project spending,
  • Foster working relationships with relevant stakeholders from other NGO’s, community organizations, government line ministries and civil society organizations
  • Coordinate with CRS M&E officer to ensure adequate collection of monitoring data and help plan key evaluation events over the course of the life of the project 
  • Educational background in agronomy, plant science, agricultural/rural development or related field.
  • Work experience with NGO, government ministry, research organization or private sector in area of agricultural/rural development, community organizing and/or project management
  • Experience in planning and conducting field based trainings for the dissemination of information on sustainable agriculture, food security, soil conservation and/or natural resource management
  • Willing and able to work out of Baucau office full time, with approximately 50% of time spent on field work in Viqueque, Baucau and Lautem
  • Proven track record of ability to set and meet goals and objectives in a timely and professional manner
  • Strong oral and written communication skills in both Tetun and English
  • Strong computer skills and ability to produce quality reports and reliable data pertaining to measureable indicators of project results

Sent a cover letter, current CV and professional references by email to amelia.andrade@ crs.org or delivery by hand at CRS Dili Officer, Fomento Mandarin, CRS Bauacau.
For further information please contact to +670 7259025 or 3324641
Only the applicant who short listed will be contacted
Deadline July 1st, 2012

Melita Andrade

Human Resources Manager

Mobile no. +670 7259025


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